
About Us

Today reproduction is the primary means to experience the world. Places we can not visit,
artworks we can not see in real life, activities others do but we can't.
Everything is digitally documented, reproduced, shared and taken at face value.
It is common (especially for the generation of the so called digital natives) to see something on the internet
to then feel like having seen it for real. The abstract representations have become a world in itself,
a second layer of reality that often feels just as real as the first, the physical one.
If it is on the internet, it exists.
So we at Galerie Benjamin have decided to take this concept to the next level. Our exhibitions
can only be experienced through the digital medium, through the smartphone, tablet, PC or whatever
window to the second reality one might be using.
We offer a solely online experience you can enjoy from the comfort of your home.
As Brian O'Doherty (alias Patrick Ireland) already said in his historical analysis of the practice of the exhibition:
in the (rather young) tradition of the immaculate white cube people almost seem alien and out of place.
All the better we provide exhibition-views not spoiled by visitors, giving the genre of the exhibition-photography
the special place it deserves. Let's be honest – you do already visit most art shows online, don't you?
Who would be willing or financially able to travel to multiple countries every year – maybe even month – just because
an interesting artist is presenting there? Don't worry we got you covered. Lean back and enjoy the show!